The Law of Identity
The teaching of Identity is the legal side of our Redemption. It unveils to us what GOD did in CHRIST for us, from the time He went to the Cross, until He sat down on the right hand of the FATHER.
The vital side of Redemption is what the Holy Spirit, through the WORD, is doing in us now. Several times Paul uses the preposition "with" in connection with His Substitutionary teaching. In Gal. 2:20 it says like this "I have been crucified WITH CHRIST."
Then he tells us that "lie died WITH CHRIST," that "he was buried WITH CHRIST."
This gives us the key that unlocks the great teachings of Identity.
CHRIST became one with us in sin, that we might become one with HIM in Righteousness.
HE became as we were, to the end that we might be as HE is now. HE became one with us in death, that we might become one with HIM in life. There is a two-fold oneness: first HIS oneness with our sin on the cross; second, our oneness with HIM in His glory on the throne.
Eph. 2:6 "And raised us up with HIM, and made us to sit with HIM in the heavenly places, in CHRIST JESUS." HE became as we were, so that we might become as HE is.