Cultivate Intimacy
Soaking prayer is not a replacement for reading the Bible, praying, intercession, Christian counseling, or any other Christian discipline. It is the other side of the conversation, cultivating intimacy, going after God’s heart. Then He comes with His hand!
I have especially seen this in healing ministry. Healing of issues of the heart, like physical healing, sometimes comes in an instant. But sometimes the healing takes place over a period of time. This is where soaking comes in.
Many healing rooms and counselors have a place for their clients to soak before and after sessions with much fruit. We’ve seen over and over that most of what God does happens when people stay on the floor (or sit in a chair) and keep on receiving, lingering in His presence. We so easily want “McJesus,” but He wants to dine with us! There is always more! Don’t miss it! When you are in that place, He has your full attention, and you have His.
Many churches have added soaking prayer to all aspects of church life. Imagine if your worship team took time to soak in God’s presence before Sunday morning worship, if the intercessors, the children’s ministry, the youth ministry, the hospital visit team, and so forth, all soaked before ministering. They would start from a different place. And they’d see much more fruit because they’d be working from a place of His agenda, His heartbeat, and His ever-increasing presence. He loves hearts that come to receive from Him first so that they can pour out His heart and character, not just their human efforts.
The Lord one time told me that soaking prayer centers create a place for the habitation (not just a visitation) of His presence. You can have this in your house, your office, church, the old age home in your area, shelters, etc.
Soaking prayer softens hearts and can even crumble walls made out of steel—that is the power of God’s love. There are no pain, addictions, lack, poverty, or sicknesses in Heaven!