THE LAND OF GOODNESS We all are explorers, searching for the new, enjoying the old, becoming personally enlarged with each discovery. What we behold affects us. If we look at it long enough, it changes us.
There are parts of God’s goodness that are easily noticeable to the casual observer. Much like Moses, we’ve been given a challenge. He saw a burning bush that wasn’t being consumed by its flames.
The story records an important detail that should help us all in our journey. It was only when Moses turned aside that the Lord spoke to him from the bush. (See Exodus 3:4.)
Sometimes giving undivided attention to the obvious releases a greater encounter with Him, manifesting a greater revelation of what He is like. The bottom line is that we can’t find anything significant on our own. It must be revealed to us. In other words, all discoveries are not the result of our discipline and determination alone.
As the ultimate steward, He gives these gifts to those who have embraced His invitation to ask, seek, and knock. The prophet Jeremiah caught a glimpse of this reality when God gave him a promise of restoration. “Call to Me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know” (Jer. 33:3).
The God who is good gave us the invitation to call upon Him. He then promised to answer in a way that was beyond what we asked for. The word great in this verse means “considerably above average.” And if that weren’t enough, He follows the word great with the word mighty . Mighty means “inaccessible.” Consider this: God has given us access to the inaccessible. What an incomprehensible promise!
It is out of the reach of our skills, character, or qualifications. We lack all that is necessary to be able to apprehend what exists in the realm called the goodness of God. But He gave us something that makes this impossibility possible.
He gave us the key to the inaccessible. He Himself is that key. Through His name we have access to that which is beyond our reach on our best day. The invitation came from His goodness. He invites us to call upon Him, giving Him the open door to answer in a way that is above our expectations and imagination.
There is no goodness apart from Him, so our journey is a discovery of the person of God—the One whose inaccessible goodness is now accessible by an invitation with His promise to be found by us.
We were created and designed to live in the glory of God, which is the manifested presence of Jesus.