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IF YOU WILL confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

This word saved is translated from the Greek word sozo, which means to be "healed spiritually and healed physically" - healed in body and healed in soul, or saved from sin and saved from sickness. The same word is
translated "heal, preserve, save, and make whole. "


Paul adds: For with the heart we believe unto
righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made to salvation.

Confession is made to salvation. Salvation does not come until after confession is made. One must believe and confess before experiencing the result. This is faith, and
By grace you are saved through faith.

Always remember: Confession comes first; then Jesus, who is the High Priest of our confession, responds by granting the things we have confessed.

There is no such thing as salvation without confession. It is always confession to salvation, never possession before confession.

Our confession causes the High Priest of our confession to grant us what we believe with our heart that we have, and this brings us into possession of it. That is faith. God is a
faith God. That is to say, He is a God who requires faith. We receive from God only the things we believe we receive.

Whatever things you desire, when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you shall have them.


Confession is saying with the mouth what one believes in the heart.

Confession is agreeing with God in the heart enough to say what God says, to speak God's words, to use God's expressions and declarations, to acknowledge God's word.

Confession is faith's way of expressing itself in our testimony.

Paul declared that he preached the word of faith, then told us that the word of faith must be in our hearts and in our mouths.

The only way to have the word of faith in our mouths is to talk the word of God.

This is confession - making our lips agree with God; speaking God's word with our mouths.
(Read Romans 10:8.)

Revelation 12:11 tells us that those who overcame the devil did so by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; that is, through the scriptures they quoted as they gave their testimony,


I was asked to pray for a person who was very sick and weak. He felt no immediate results. We then asked him to repeat what God said: By his stripes, I am healed, and to praise the Lord for healing according to His word.

The man considered our request to be outright hypocrisy. He was quick to let us know he did not believe in testifying to something he did not have. He said he was sincere and would never act the part of a hypocrite. The man was measuring his healing by his feelings. That is not faith.

It is not hypocritical to say what God says. Confession of a promise given us in God's word, when confessed from the heart, always brings the possession.

I did not ask this man to say he was not sick. I asked him to say what God had said - to acknowledge God's word: With his stripes, I am healed. You are not a liar because you declare what God has spoken.

Finally, God was merciful and added some feeling to his healing. He was like Thomas who said: Except I shall see in his hands the prints of the nails, I will not believe.


I prayed for a man whose hand was fractured in his elbow and arms. As I prayed, he felt a wonderful blessing and was thrilled with what he felt. But later, he felt another pain. That discouraged him. He came to me saying, "Just listen to my joints crack and pop."

Instead of saying, "The word says I am healed, and I know I'll recover," he was more concerned with physical evidence than with the word of God.

I told him of a similar case where I prayed for a lady, and she had believed with perfect confidence. After two days she returned to show us that her joints were completely healed. Her faith had set her free.

To this, the man responded: "I am glad you told me that. It encourages me. I was afraid I would not get healed. But if she got well, then I will be all right."

The word of God had meant nothing to that man. The promise given by Jesus, They shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover, was empty and meaningless to him.

He had felt a pain, so God's word must have failed. While he was feeling good, he was sure the word was true; but the pain had annulled the whole thing, so far as he was concerned.

Learn to confess what our Lord says, and He will fulfill His promise to you, because He is the High Priest of our confession.

The confessions of I am the Lord who heals you and by his stripes, I am healed always precedes the manifestation of healing, just as the confession of Jesus Christ as Lord and
savior always precedes the experience of salvation.

Jesus is the High Priest of our confession - our words, what we say with our lips - when it corresponds with His word. He does according to what we say.

We should never confess anything but victory, because Paul says: In all these things we are more than conquerors.


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