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 There’s a phrase which I don’t like at all.

Undoubtedly, you’ve heard it too, usually in drawn out, religious sounding tones when
circumstances seem to fall short of what God has promised us in His Word.

“Well...God is sovereign.”

Of course, without question, God is sovereign. But what people are really saying behind
that statement is, “You never know what God is going to do.”

The problem with that view of sovereignty is it releases us of all responsibility. After all, if
God is sovereign, He will do what He wants to anyway, so we might as well go watch
television and forget about it, right? Wrong.

According to Psalm 8:6, God Himself put mankind in charge, gave us dominion, and put
all things under our feet. He doesn’t intervene in the affairs of the Earth whenever He
wants. He respects the dominion and authority He has given us.

Are all things under your feet today?

If not, it’s time to take a closer look at what dominion really means.


1. Dominion Means Operating In the Anointing

“The Spirit of the LORD is upon Me, for He has anointed Me.” –Luke 4:18

Dominion is a God-given gift to His people that requires His supernatural Anointing. It
belongs to you, but it isn’t automatic. It takes faith, walking in love, and operating in the

The word anoint means “to pour out on, put on or smear on.” That’s why we anoint with
oil it represents the pouring on of the Spirit of God.

Operating in the anointing is what gives you the ability to take dominion over every area
of your life to do things you’d never be able to do otherwise. The anointing is what gave
Samson supernatural strength and the ability to overcome his enemies. The anointing is
what enabled David to kill Goliath. And the anointing is what allowed Joseph the
knowledge to run a major estate for Potiphar with notable success.

That same anointing is available to you today. Expect to operate in the anointing if you
want to take dominion! 

  2. Dominion Means Prospering Financially

“The LORD will open for you His good treasure house, the heavens, to give rain to your
land in its season and to bless all the work of your hand; and you will lend to many
nations, but you will not borrow.” Deuteronomy 28:12

Dominion is what sets you apart from the rest of the world especially financially. As a
believer, you should always be the head of every situation not the tail. That means you
have money in abundance to take care of your own needs and to be a blessing to those
around you. It means you’re the lender, NOT the borrower.

People should be able to see THE BLESSING of the Lord on you. They should see that you
prosper in every situation, no matter what your job is or the state of the economy. It’s a
testimony of the goodness of God!

What about you? Do you feel like you have financial dominion and authority over your
finances? Or do bills, debt and work-related troubles seem to rule you instead?

Start seeing yourself as having dominion in the area of finances. When an unexpected
financial situation comes your way, take your seat in the place of authority instead of
falling into a victim mentality. When you start with the right mindset, you’ll respond with
the right actions.

The right actions are believing for victory, speaking victory, and reaching out and taking
what belongs to you. They involve resisting the devil, putting him under your feet, and
refusing to accept anything less than God’s best.

3. Dominion Means Excelling to the Highest Place Possible

“And the LORD will make you the head and not the tail, and you shall only go up and not
down.”—Deuteronomy 28:13 (ESV)

To excel in the spirit of the Word is to prosper financially, physically and relationally.
That’s the result of THE BLESSING.

Physically, that means you don’t settle for aches and pains, allergies, sickness, disease, or
age-related setbacks. You excel to the highest place possible, which is a long life in a
strong, healthy body.

Relationally, it means you don’t settle for strife in your home, a broken marriage, an
unfulfilled desire for family, or rebellious children. You excel to the highest place possible,
which is a family most people only dream of. Dominion looks different from the world.
Our families should look different, as a result.

Financially, it means you don’t settle for lack, low pay, being stuck in the same job year
after year, taking out loans, or living paycheck to paycheck. You excel to the highest place
possible by continually INCREASING in your pay, your savings, your investments and
your giving.

The very first thing a human ear ever heard was, “Be Blessed!” That’s a mandate. It’s time to fulfill it.

4. Dominion Means Expecting to Be Blessed In Famine

“Isaac planted crops in that land and the same year [during a famine] reaped a
hundredfold, because the LORD blessed him.” –Genesis 26:12 (NIV)

Maybe you’re good at expecting dominion and blessing...unless something like COVID-19
or an economic downturn show up. Then, you’re afraid of losing your job or watching the
stock market fall like everyone else.

But dominion means you expect to be blessed even in famine.

The story of Joseph prospering in prison and during a famine isn’t just a nice story that is
supposed to entertain us. No! It’s an example of how we are to expect to live ourselves—a
call to live in dominion.

Dominion means expecting to be blessed in famine. It means when layoffs are happening all around you—you’re expecting to increase anyway. 
When the stock market is fluctuating, you have peace, and you trust in the anointing to guide you and protect you.

Dominion means you aren’t subject to the times—the times are subject to you. 

And you know it!


 5. Dominion Means Expecting to Be Healed

“Look, I have given you authority over all the power of the enemy, and you can walk
among snakes and scorpions and crush them. Nothing will injure you.” –Luke 10:19

You have dominion over the devil. The devil is the author of sickness and disease.
Therefore, you should EXPECT to live in divine health all the days of your life because you
have dominion!

Take dominion over symptoms and negative doctors’ reports. Don’t for a minute let
yourself feel like a victim. You have authority. Take it in the Name of Jesus. Speak it by
the power of the blood of Jesus. You’re redeemed by the blood of the Lamb and the Word
of His testimony.

Every sickness and disease is under your feet. Expect healing to come to you, and then
expect to live in divine healing all the days of your life.

6. Dominion Means Destroying Every Yoke

“when thou shalt have the dominion...thou shalt break his yoke from off thy neck.”
—Genesis 27:40 (KJV)

Enemies, depression, the weight of sin, oppressive attempts of the devil. These are all
yokes that must be destroyed. The devil wants to hinder your promotion, growth and
increase. He wants to STOP what God has already set in motion in your life.

Dominion means destroying every yoke by tapping into the yoke-destroying anointing
that is at your fingertips.

It’s time to get tough and break loose from bondage. Command failure, poverty, addiction
or any other yoke to leave you NOW in Jesus’ Name. You have dominion.

Now that you know what dominion really means, it’s time to exercise and demonstrate it
so others can witness it and become citizens of God’s Kingdom themselves. Break off every
yoke, get out from under every burden, and take your seat in THE BLESSING. Live a life
of dominion!

 email us to get 15 Powerful verses on DOMINION


Amazingly said, thank for such encouraging words much needed. May God continue to use you for his kingdom and prosper you. All glory to God. Amen.! ������

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