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World’s System vs. God’s System

GOD has a highly organized system to meet the needs of every facet of your life. The world’s system of meeting our needs works exactly opposite from GOD'S system. GOD'S system is totally adequate. The world’s idea of anything is very limited at best and stands a 99.9 percent chance of being totally wrong.

As believers, we must be careful not to limit GOD in our individual lives to what the world says is so. The problem with the world and its system of operations is that there is a spiritual mad dog loose in it and his name is Satan.The world has a system of healing that is a miserable failure!

We thank GOD for what good has been done with it, but we are forced to admit it falls far short of being adequate to meet the needs of the sick around us. Some men are dedicated to it as if it were a god. The world’s system of healing makes a god of the hospital and a god of medicine. Actually, for the most part, it leaves GOD out entirely, and without GOD, it will not work! There is no way to get healing except through the Power of GOD, either directly by His Power or by the Power He built into the human body. No man on earth can heal apart from GOD.

There are two choices before you—the world’s system of healing or GOD’S system of healing. GOD'S system and its laws are contradictory to the world’s system. The world cannot understand GOD’S system of caring for the human body.

The Bible says the things of GOD are foolishness to the world (see 1 Corinthians 2:14). GOD made the human body. He definitely should be able to repair it. Ford Motor Company has that much sense! If they can build the whole car, surely they can build parts for it.  We haven’t known much about the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus and a lack of understanding has caused problems in making this law function for our benefit.

 The Apostle Paul wrote, “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind” (Romans 12:2). In order to be successful at GOD’S business, we must understand
how His system works. Don’t expect GOD'S best to come from the world’s system. He will work around and through it in order to reach you, but it is always far below His best.

The absolute priority in studying prosperity is that you should never think of it from a carnal viewpoint, from the world’s attitude. You must train yourself to think in line with
GOD'S Word. If you’re not careful, when you think of the laws of prosperity, all you will see is money—only a very small part of prosperity. True prosperity is GOD manifesting Himself to us
in His Word. If He is manifesting Himself through His Word, He is always within easy contact because you can handle the Word.
The only way you can have GOD with you on a continual daily basis is through His Word. We should not judge by our feelings or by our emotions, but by what GOD has said in His Word. 

Let’s look for a moment at the world of finance, the biggest problem area on earth. Sickness is not our main concern. There are many healthy people who are head over heels in debt, and GOD'S people have no business being in debt! Here again, we find that the world has a system of finance which is complex and very poor in operation. It continually rocks back and forth between the two extremes of depression and inflation. However, when you are functioning in GOD'S system of finance, life can be very simple. Don’t borrow from anyone—get it from GOD. 
The problem with borrowing is that it is controlled by
the world’s system. In order to borrow, you must subordinate yourself to another person. Proverbs 22:7 says the borrower is the servant to the lender. By borrowing, you subordinate your name to another person. This is very important because of the spiritual significance of your name. Your name is the same as your nature. If your name is good, then you are good—your reputation is good. You can do whatever your name can do. However, when you borrow and go into debt to someone else, you bow your knee to that person and look to him as your source of supply. This creates a spiritual problem that can be very serious, particularly if the other person is ungodly.

Look to GOD, He will give to you, not loan to you! Believers need to learn how to operate in GOD'S system. It isn’t easy to learn; but as you search the Word, you will have the desire to
GOD'S system. When you begin to operate by it and live by faith in every area of your life, GOD will step in and make up what you don’t know. He will put you over! The deeper you get
into the Word and the more you learn, the more you will expand; the more you expand, the more Satan will fight; the more he fights, the bigger the victory; the bigger your victory,
the more Glory to GOD; the more Glory to GOD, the more you will expand! It is constant growth! At this point, let me emphasize Satan’s part is this. When you hear the Word, when you learn to believe GOD especially in the area of giving—you become dangerous to Satan! Jesus taught that the sower sows the Word and Satan comes immediately to take out the Word which was sown (see Mark 4:1-20). Why? For three basic reasons:

1. The Word of GOD is the key to the laws of the Spirit.
2. The laws of the Spirit govern the laws of the natural.
3. Satan works in the natural world.

When you take the power of these laws and function them by faith, Satan is finished! When you learn the rules of the game, he is through. He is a defeated foe! Let me mention that these laws of prosperity will work for anyone, regardless of their age!

Because a person who is believer filled with the Holy Spirit. He is a child of GOD, and he has a right to work these laws. It isn’t a man’s age that causes the law of gravity to work; the law of gravity works because gravity is a force. Remember, faith is a spiritual force and works by spiritual law
(see Romans 3:27).


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