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Getting Your New Year's Revelation from God First

Many people start thinking about making New Year's resolutions this time of year.

Have you ever tried to do a New Year's resolution..... but by February you've stopped??

Or maybe you have things you want to change in your life but don't know where to start??

"Get  you're New Year's revelation from you're Father God for you're resolution!" 

where there is no revelation, people cast off restraint; but blessed is the one who heeds wisdom's instruction. Proverbs 29:18 NIV

Getting revelation from God can help you cast off restraints and gain clarity.

What this means is you can get a prophetic plan or strategy from the Lord on what area of your life you want to change. Then take a practical steps to fulfill it.

If  people can't see what God is doing, they stumble all over themselves; But when they attend to what He reveals, they are most blessed in their lives. Proverbs 29:18 MSG

Once you get clarity, it shifts the spiritual atmosphere and doors begin to open for you. Then momentum kicks in.

Can you identify with any of these?You know there is something more but you don't know where to start. You feel stuck in your current situation. You've ignored or given up on some of your passions and dreams. You don't feel released to move on but you want to prepare yourself for what's next. You have lost hope.

These are common symptoms that show you need a breakthrough in your life. 

As we begin looking forward to 2019, there are some simple yet important steps you can take now to help you dream and plan with God.

1. Reflect

It's difficult to move forward when we haven't learned from our past experiences. Before setting new goals for 2019, be sure to take some time to pause and reflect on your past year.

2. Renew

Now is the time to decide what sort of commitments you want to continue on into the new year. Decide how you will renew your commitments to your family and relationships. Think about how you can be a better spouse, parent, mentor, sister, brother, friend, employee or employer, etc..

It is doing small things consistently everyday that can often bring about the biggest results!

3. Rest

Remember to take time to rest from your labor. Maybe not all of your goals in the previous year came about, but God loves you all the same and will not forget you in this coming new year!

Wait on the Lord to bring real transformation and change in this New Year.  


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