Position yourself.
I hear the Lord saying we need to position, and ready ourselves in the next few days as we go into 2019. As we position ourselves, the Father will begin to align us for the new year. It's a time to repent, let go of offenses, and throw off anything hindering you.
Get ready to shift again.
2018 was a year of great shifting, and realigning of relationships. I sense again the Lord is doing that, because He's taking us higher to another level. There is a great emphasis on the relationships in your lives.
I encourage you to take inventory and stock. Ask the Lord who needs to be apart of your life, and who you may need to cut ties with. This will be a great year of emerging and stepping into destiny, but it will hinge on the alignments and relationships in your life. Relationships/ Alignments are like keys that unlock or lock up the things of God within you. Be wise in your alignments.
2019 will be a year of fulfilled promises.
Many have struggled this year, because their hope has been deferred. You've felt like God has forgotten you. The Father has not forgotten you. The enemy has worked over time trying to delay the promises of God in your life. It reminds me of the story in Daniel 10. Daniel had been praying, but his answer had been delayed. The archangel Michael told him his prayer was heard the first time, but there was resistance in the heavenlies. Michael had to assist in bringing Daniel's answer to his prayer.
I declare no more delay or lack in your life.
2019 will be your breakthrough and KARIOS [BRAND NEW] year. The Father is releasing His angels to assist you, and help bring forth the promises of God in your life. 2019 is full of hope. God is turning your valley of Achor (bitterness) into your gateway of hope (Hosea 2:15) A gateway is defined as a means of access to the promises of God!With great shifting comes great shaking. I believe we're going to see more shifting and shaking in our nation, and the world.
I want to encourage you to be cautious in which narratives you listen to. It's important to guard your ears, and eyes in this season. Tune them into the Spirit of the Lord, so you're hearing and seeing correctly. And don't allow fear to grip your heart. It's a time to be bold, courageous, and fearless.
Daniel 11:32 says, "But the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits."
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