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Death vs Life

For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.
[Romans 8:2 KJV]

In Romans 8:2 we see the two spiritual laws of life and death in operation. The following charts show each law and it's results. As you can see, they are complete opposites. The boundary line between them was crossed only one time-when Jesus offered Himself as the Supreme sacrifice to purchase our freedom from every part of the curse.

SATAN                                             JESUS          

  1. The law of sin                           The law of the
and death                                  Spirit of life
(the curse)                                  (the blessing)

  2. Fear                                                Faith

3. Sin & Death              Life & Righteousness

4. Sickness & disease         Healing & Divine-                                                              Health

5. Poverty                             Prosperity

6. Worry & Anxiety            The Peace of God

7. Hate                                    Love

8. Demons                              Angelic Powers

The price that Jesus paid was two-fold. He came, not only to destroy the works of the devil, but also to deliver us from the fear of death and the bondage it brings. Look at [Hebrews 2:14-15]

Forasmuch then as the children are
partakers of flesh and blood, he
also himself likewise took part of
the same; that through death he
might destroy him that had the
power of death, that is, the devil;
And deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage.

The phrase fear of death is a result of 
the law of sin and death. The word 
destroy in the original text means “to 
paralyze.” Jesus came for two reasons:

1. to completely paralyze Satan 
who had the power of death

2. to deliver us who through 
fear of death were held subject 
to bondage

We have not been given the spirit
of bondage again to fear. Fear pro-
duces bondage. Jesus came to break
the power of that bondage! How? By
stopping the force of fear. Praise God!

In order for the power of death to
ever be broken, Jesus had to absorb
all the curse of the law, both in the
spiritual realm and in the physical
realm. He bore all the physical curse at Calvary. All the demons of hell
came against Him to annihilate Him.
They wanted to torment Jesus forever
and keep Him in bondage forever,
thereby keeping God from ever hav­ing contact with mankind again. Satan
could then rule and reign on this earth
as he pleased with no restrictions or
qualifications whatsoever. But God
had something else in mind!
[Hebrews 2:14] says through death He (Jesus) 
destroyed him (Satan) that had the
power of death.

When the price was paid, God
breathed the breath of life into Jesus,
and the law of the Spirit of life was set
into motion for mankind. Because He
did all that for you and me, we can
live free! We can know beyond doubt
that the law of the Spirit of life in
Christ Jesus has made us free from
the law of sin and death!


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