We Died With HIM JESUS died twice on the Cross. I knew this for many years, but I had no scriptural evidence of it. One day I discovered Isaiah 53:9, the answer to my long search. "And they made HIS grave with the wicked, and with a rich man in HIS deaths." The word "death" is plural in the Hebrew. Many of you who have Bibles with marginal renderings will notice it. That is, JESUS died two deaths on the Cross: HE died spiritually (in the realm of the Soul) before HE died physically. In J ohn 10:18 HE said that no one could take HIS life from HIM. HE could not be killed; HE could not die. Why? Because HIS body was not mortal. JESUS had a body just like GOD the FATHER. It was a perfect, human body, not Mortal, nor Immortal. It was a body that could not die until sin had taken possession of His spirit. In other words, JESUS had to die spiritually (Soul) before HE could die physically. If JESUS' body had been like yours and mine, then HE was not Deity, HE was n...
Having determined our destiny ahead of time, he called us to himself and transferred his perfect righteousness to everyone he called. And those who possess his perfect righteousness he co-glorified with his Son.