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Creativity in His Presence

He is the Creator. As sons and daughters of God, we have access to the creativity of the God who created the universe. It’s no wonder that, when we take time to just be with Him, He shares secrets with us in the secret place. His heart is to share with us ideas, inventions, poetry, pictures to paint, songs to sing. His heart is longing for a people who will take the time to give ourselves to Him to listen, feel, see, taste, and smell.  And do not present your members as instruments of unrighteousness to sin, but present yourselves to God as being alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness to God (Romans 6:13).  This time with Him is so powerful and worth fighting for when life demands our time. When we take time to rest first, the power will be there to do what we need to do, with much fruit and more ease.  There remains therefore a rest for the people of God. For he who has entered His rest has himself also ceased from his works as God did from His. Let us t
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BEHOLDING IS BECOMING (PART-2) Discovering Eden Within  What was lost in the Garden has been restored in CHRIST, all of it. Although the fullness of the restoration process of all things back to CHRIST is ongoing, the price needed for its fulfillment had been paid in full. The moment JESUS shouted on the Cross, “ IT IS FINISHED !”, those words resonated throughout all of eternity. It was sealed in Heaven forever. The way has been established, the price paid, mankind can now be reconciled with a HOLY GOD. In CHRIST we are accepted, affirmed, loved, and restored completely back to the Father’s embrace. Once more, coming face-to-face with GOD is possible through JESUS and by the leading of the HOLY SPIRIT Who Himself takes residence in us. This is amazing! This is the Good News of the KINGDOM OF GOD. In CHRIST, we have been brought back to that place of intimacy with the Father, back to the Garden of Eden. JESUS, who is the Beloved of the Father, has become unto us our Eden. As Adam and


BEHOLDING IS BECOMING (PART - 1) FACE TO FACE  In GODS sovereign plan HE designed us to live in HIS presence, and be filled with HIS very presence, and from that place we shine with HIS glory in all we are and all we do. We are created for face-to-face encounters with GOD. Imagine the first time Adam opened his eyes at the very instance GOD breathed on his nostrils the breath of Life. In a moment, He saw the face of GOD shining in glory right in front of him! Just imagine, as he was gazing upon HIS face, all that GOD is...HIS love, power, goodness, majesty, perfection, and glory inundated him and every fiber of his being pulsated with divine life. Literally, Adam was saturated with GOD. He was soaked in glory!  This is a beautiful picture of what face-to-face with GOD looks like. This encounter was not just for Adam exclusively, but it is for the rest of mankind as well. In GOD'S sovereign plan, HE designed us, HIS Masterpiece, to live in HIS presence, in the place of i

Identity in CHRIST - Part 5 (We Died With HIM)

We Died With HIM  JESUS died twice on the Cross. I knew this for many years, but I had no scriptural evidence of it. One day I discovered Isaiah 53:9, the answer to my long search. "And they made HIS grave with the wicked, and with a rich man in HIS deaths." The word "death" is plural in the Hebrew.   Many of you who have Bibles with marginal renderings will notice it. That is, JESUS died two deaths on the Cross: HE died spiritually (in the realm of the Soul) before HE died physically. In J ohn 10:18 HE said that no one could take HIS life from HIM. HE could not be killed; HE could not die. Why? Because HIS body was not mortal. JESUS had a body just like GOD the FATHER. It was a perfect, human body, not Mortal, nor Immortal. It was a body that could not die until sin had taken possession of His spirit.  In other words, JESUS had to die spiritually (Soul) before HE could die physically.  If JESUS' body had been like yours and mine, then HE was not Deity, HE was n

Identity in CHRIST - Part 4 (HE was made Sick)

HE Was Made Sick – Part 4 The next step in this awful drama is found in  Isaiah 53:3-5 . “HE was despised, and rejected of men; a man of pains, and acquainted with sickness: and as one from whom men hide their face HE was despised; and we esteemed HIM not. Surely HE hath borne our sicknesses, and carried our diseases; yet we did esteem HIM stricken, smitten and afflicted." It was not what the Roman soldiers nor the angry mob did. It was what our fallen nature did to HIM. It shocks us when we realize that HE was stricken, smitten with our diseases and our sin. There was laid upon HIM the diseases and sicknesses of the human race. Isaiah 53:10 "Yet it pleased Jehovah to bruise HIM; HE hath made HIM sick." HE was not only made sin and separated from HIS FATHER, until HIS broken heart cried, "My GOD, my GOD, why halt thou forsaken me? " but the diseases of the human race fell upon HIM. Isaiah 52:14 "Just as many were amazed over HIM, and prince

Identity in CHRIST - Part 3 (HE was made Sin)

HE was made Sin In the great drama of our Redemption, as soon as CHRIST was nailed to the Cross, with HIS crown of thorns, and with the howling mob that surrounded HIM, justice began to do its awful work behind the scenes. Sense-Knowledge men and women who surrounded the Cross could only see the physical man, JESUS, hanging there.  GOD could see HIS spirit. Angels could see HIS spirit. Demons could see the real man, hidden in that body. Then came the dreadful hour when  2 Corinthians 5:21 was fulfilled.  "HIM who knew no sin he made to be sin on our behalf; that we might become the Righteousness of GOD in Him."  Isaiah 53:5 "HE was wounded for our transgressions, HE was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement of our peace was upon HIM; and with HIS stripes we are healed. All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned everyone to his own way; and JEHOVAH hath laid on HIM the iniquity of us all."  On that awful cross, HE not only became sin, but H

Identity in CHRIST - Part 2 ( Crucified with CHRIST)

Crucified with CHRIST Galatians 2:20 When Paul said, "I have been crucified with CHRIST," it meant he had been judged, condemned, cast out, stripped naked, and nailed to the Cross. The very thought of crucifixion to a Jew, and especially to a Pharisee, brought a sense of shame and horror. When Saul of Tarsus identified himself with the Man, JESUS, accepted HIM as his SAVIOR, and confessed HIM as his LORD, that moment he became a crucified man to the Jewish people. He became an outcast. No wonder he said in Gal. 6:14 that the world had been crucified unto him, and he had been crucified unto the world.  The world had been stripped naked to Paul. There was no longer any delusionin regard to it. He could no longer be deceived. He knew its cruelty. He had felt its lash upon his back.  He remembered the stoning that had left him unconscious. He remembered that in every place he went, he faced the anger, bitterness, and jealousy of men.  He had been stripped naked to t