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Showing posts from April, 2024


BEHOLDING IS BECOMING (PART-2) Discovering Eden Within  What was lost in the Garden has been restored in CHRIST, all of it. Although the fullness of the restoration process of all things back to CHRIST is ongoing, the price needed for its fulfillment had been paid in full. The moment JESUS shouted on the Cross, “ IT IS FINISHED !”, those words resonated throughout all of eternity. It was sealed in Heaven forever. The way has been established, the price paid, mankind can now be reconciled with a HOLY GOD. In CHRIST we are accepted, affirmed, loved, and restored completely back to the Father’s embrace. Once more, coming face-to-face with GOD is possible through JESUS and by the leading of the HOLY SPIRIT Who Himself takes residence in us. This is amazing! This is the Good News of the KINGDOM OF GOD. In CHRIST, we have been brought back to that place of intimacy with the Father, back to the Garden of Eden. JESUS, who is the Beloved of the Father, has become unto us our Eden. As Adam and


BEHOLDING IS BECOMING (PART - 1) FACE TO FACE  In GODS sovereign plan HE designed us to live in HIS presence, and be filled with HIS very presence, and from that place we shine with HIS glory in all we are and all we do. We are created for face-to-face encounters with GOD. Imagine the first time Adam opened his eyes at the very instance GOD breathed on his nostrils the breath of Life. In a moment, He saw the face of GOD shining in glory right in front of him! Just imagine, as he was gazing upon HIS face, all that GOD is...HIS love, power, goodness, majesty, perfection, and glory inundated him and every fiber of his being pulsated with divine life. Literally, Adam was saturated with GOD. He was soaked in glory!  This is a beautiful picture of what face-to-face with GOD looks like. This encounter was not just for Adam exclusively, but it is for the rest of mankind as well. In GOD'S sovereign plan, HE designed us, HIS Masterpiece, to live in HIS presence, in the place of i